lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

Adownloader (EN)

1. History:

Adownloader is a program born in 2014 to legally download videos from many sites. It is capable of processing almost all the mechanisms of streaming: hls ios (m3u8), Adobe RTMP, Microsoft Silverlight (ism), Adobe HDS (f4m) and all new mpd manifests, and as long as the video is not under a rights license Author protected by DRM or WRM as this is not legal.

The author appreciates the support provided to date by the countless number of people who use the program. As a mechanism of communication there are the following possibilities: twitter @a_downloader and google +


Where changes and updates are regularly published. In Mediafire there is also an account with the latest version:


You can also tweet from the program by typing the message in the url field and pressing search.

2. Basic principles:

 - To search in a site built into the program paste or write the video address in Paste URL. If the browser address is copied and this button is pressed the search starts automatically. Otherwise you have to press the search button.

 - If the search is successful, the available downloads will appear according to download mechanism and quality. To download click the desired one. If there are subtitles the associated buttons appear: to view and modify them, and to activate or not their embedding. If the download is MP4 or MP3 will appear on the right a display button with VLC, and if the video has already been downloaded with that mechanism, quality and name, a link to the local file will appear on the left.

 - The download directory is indicated when installing the program, and can be modified later. After each download a link will also appear in the FilesDownloaded's list menu. Stats shows information about downloaded downloads.

 - There are more than 400 built-in sites. If some does not work you can report it and even request to incorporate new sites. Although the program is free, thank you support via Stripe or Paypal accessible from the program.

3. Features:
   - Automatic Login:
    When the login is necessary the mechanism is incorporated, appearing in the field Login's list the list of supported sites and that it is updated in real time. To enter the credentials the page is selected and the User and Password fields are filled in. Logging in saves the cookies and is reused as long as they work.
   - Use of proxies when the site is geoblocked in your country:
    The proxies are free and are downloaded in real time when the module requires them. You can disable the option if you use system VPN. With free proxies, however, they may not work properly if the geoblock is very strong. One of the most powerful features is that all proxies available for that country are used until access is achieved. The program also detects if you are in the required country and then do not use the proxies. Finally, if you can not access the site by depleting the available proxies, the search can be retried since the proxies are updated in real time, although the best thing for difficult sites is to acquire a VPN. Note that the proxy may be necessary to access the download address and to download it, which are two different things. In the latter case it is recommended to use VPN.
   - The program uses free access tools:
    To download curl, aria2c, rtmpdump and the script AdobeHDS.php. Ffmpeg is only used for the muxing of chunks m3u8 and to convert multimedia files to different selectable formats. SubtitleEdit to convert subtitle and VLC formats for viewing without downloading MP4 videos and audios. We also have the RAB tool, very useful in some cases. Finally, the PHP environment is used to run advanced scripts.
   - Subtitles:
    The program allows you to choose to embed the available subtitles or captions, usually to a mkv file, although this is modifiable. It is also allowed to view and modify subtitles before download. You must press subtitles YES. You can also save subtitles for later use without the program embedding them. The program is also able to modify the timings of the subtitles when they are poorly synchronized.

    - Parallel download:
       At the moment is a functionality built into the streams hs ios (m3u8) and that allows to accelerate the download indicating the number of chunks that you want to download simultaneously. This value can be indicated in the box M3parallel. For this parallelization the tool aria2c is used. If 0 is indicated then curl is used. Parallelization is not always useful however if the bandwidth is short or the individual download is very fast. But with slow sites and a good bandwidth you can accelerate considerably. It is recommended to test manually according to the particular bandwidth and site to find the optimal value, but as a general rule you can follow the idea of ??dividing the bandwidth by the average size of the chunk: if this is 400k and we have 10Mb / S of connection (= 1.25MB / s) put 1250/400 = 3 approximately.
    - Tail of download:
       You can add the videos you want to a download queue, and keep searching while downloading another video. Keep in mind that in some cases searching and downloading simultaneously may slow down. Another possibility is to open several instances of the program simultaneously. The queue can be modified with the corresponding buttons: View, stop current download and continue with the next one or completely stop all downloading by deleting the queue. Finally, keep in mind that queuing is not advisable when download links incorporate expiration.
    - Scripts:
       The program downloads the desired script in real time, which has the benefit of being able to update it instantly, as well as adding new sites and even logins without recompiling the program.

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