jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

hqq url encoding

hqq sites hide their final stream-links in encoded strings like this:


Curious to know what they hide i found:

1- first, is a base64 encoded string


2- is a modified unicoded string. To decode it, split it in 3

260 272 272 268 214 203 203 260 277 272 208 256 210 202 274 263 255 253 255 260 257 202 255 267 265

and read it as unicode adding \u0 to each item


and maybe convert it to Decimal NCRs


which equals as html to


which is nonsense. Then?

3- If we know that the encoded string hides a url, then we can think that it must begin with "http". Making reverse encoding, we found the unicoded expression of 

"http" is \u0068\u0074\u0074\u0070 in hex

but         \u0104\u0116\u0116\u0112 in dec

Comparing to \u0260\u0272\u0272\u0268 there is a constant gap of 156, so apply it to the entire original items and convert them to hex


or Decimal NCRs


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